Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Often #OneWord2018



I almost chose this word last year. It stayed with me throughout last year and into this year, so I’ve decided to choose the word, “often,” for my #OneWord2018.

  1. frequently; many times.

I think this word reinforces success as success is defined by the person who is seeking it. For example, the more often that I “do math,” the better I get at it, the more contemplative I become, and I gain a greater understanding of the importance of mathematical thinking.

The more often I read research and synthesize it, the more successful I will be at writing a coherent literature review.

The more often I practice public speaking and/or giving presentations, the better I get at it (and less nervous too).

When I was looking for an image for the word, “often,” the saying, “Smile often” appeared.

I think I am more effective with educational leadership
when I 
reflect often
take risks often
think often
ask questions often
seek to understand often

wonder often