Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Standards for Mathematical Practice- Implications in the Elementary Classroom

“Already the place of the Practice Standards in the classroom is being undermined by superficial approaches that boil down to ‘we are doing all the Practices all the time.’ If these Practices are happening ‘all the time,’ the result will be that none of them are happening with any attention or depth. If they are only listed on the wall, they will soon be treated like wallpaper and ignored.” (Russell, 2012, p. 52). 

It has been my experience talking about SMP's at EdCamp, most people come to the session and say, "What are the SMP's?" Excitedly, I always try to explain using concrete examples, because, let's face it, there isn't a whole lot out there. 

Here is each SMP, a quick definition, and a specific example of an instructional shift around that standard. I define an instructional shift as something happening in classrooms now that wasn't happening (to my knowledge) ten years ago when we were accountable to the 1997 standards.          (* = favorite standard. It's good to have favorites.) 

MP.1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 
Definition- students find ways to solve problems by making a plan, rather than just giving an answer.  They are able to use the knowledge and skills from similar problems to persevere.  Part of the perseverance piece is for students to have the vision to “change course” in solving the problem if necessary.  Students are able to check their answers to make sure it is an appropriate answer.  They are also able to understand varying approaches to the problem by other students as well.       Instructional Shift- The implication for teaching is that this standard cannot be demonstrated by a multiple-choice test. The shift is in assessment- make a new one.

MP.2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 
Definition- students demonstrate an understanding of the numerical data in the problems and the relationship of that data to the situation posed by the problem.  Students should be able to represent the problem with appropriate symbols.  This includes students understanding what the question is asking in its context.
Instructional Shiftstudents think about problems in ways to make sure the answers are reasonable. For example, if there were seven children going on a field trip and each car holds a maximum of two children, students should answer that four cars would be needed to take the students. The contextualization of the problem takes place in understanding the remainder of dividing seven children into cars. In the above-mentioned problem, it is unreasonable for the answer to be 3.5 cars.  A student would have to reason that it is impossible in that situation to have half of a car.

*MP.3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Definition- students prove their mathematical statements are true.  Students support the truth of their statements with examples, counterexamples, and non-examples.  They communicate their findings to others and respond to the arguments of others.  They are able to choose the correct reasoning that supports the correct answer and explain why other methods are incorrect.  Students are able to ask useful questions to understand the arguments of others.
Instructional Shift-  Gallery walks via a re-engagement lesson.  Students represent their thinking and arguments on posters that are displayed around the room.  The gallery walk takes place when students walk around the classroom and look at each other’s thinking as it is displayed on the posters.  Students have post-its and they leave questions and comments about the mathematical thinking on the posters.  Students then have the opportunity to respond to the questions and comments on the post-its.  This gives students the chance to explain, defend and even change their thinking.  

MP.4. Model with mathematics.
Definition-  students are able to solve real world math problems that are age appropriate.  Additionally, students make assumptions and approximations, while realizing they may need to revise their work later.  Students represent their thinking, as well as the data from the problem with diagrams, tables, graphs, formulas and flowcharts. 
Instructional Shift- curriculum.  Past practice has given students the opportunity, regardless of grade level, to work with numbers without any real world application or connection. Much of mathematics as a subject has been focused on the memorization of algorithms and getting one right answer. For the most part, elementary math has not consisted of problems related to students’ lives where they make their own surveys, interpret and analyze the results to their surveys, and display the results in an organized way.  In evaluating elementary math curricula, almost all of the problems are low in cognitive demand. If students are to begin age appropriate modeling with mathematics, the tasks in which students engage in can only be high cognitive demand tasks. The responsibility of having students actively engage in real world problems rests with administrators and teachers.

MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
Definition- students are able to decide what mathematical tool is appropriate for solving a given problem.  The following is a list of some tools that a student might consider: pencil and paper, concrete models, a ruler, a protractor, a calculator, a spreadsheet, a computer algebra system, a statistical package, or dynamic geometry software.
Instructional Shift- deciding when to allow students to choose to work with a calculator.  Before CCCS-M, I did not let sixth grade students use a calculator until the third trimester. After the CCCS-M were adopted, I allowed calculators in the room the entire school year. My practice shifted because of MP.5. If students were not given access to appropriate tools for the entire year, how would they become proficient at selecting them? I didn’t think they would, so I changed my practice around calculators in the classroom.

*MP.6. Attend to precision.
Definition- students communicate precisely to others.  Students are able to explain why they chose specific labels and symbols, as well as using the equal sign consistently and appropriately.  Students calculate answers accurately and precisely within the given context of the given problem.
Instructional Shift- text messaging. Attend to precision always makes me think about text messaging.  If I am not precise in my text message to you, problems can arise. For example, if I was sending a group text to my faculty members about a faculty meeting and sent out “BYOB” instead of “BYOD,” the implications and ramifications of the mistake because of one letter would be highly embarrassing. Since my text lacked precision, my staff would think I was saying to ‘bring your own beer’ to the meeting, instead of the intended message of ‘bring your own device.’ It is similar in math. For example, when dealing with percents, decimals and fractions. Let's say if a basketball player makes one third of her free throws, then she makes thirty-three percent of them.  However, in a different mathematical situation dealing with the fraction one third, the repeating three tenths may not be able to be overlooked.

MP.7. Look for and make use of structure. 
Definition- students look closely to discern a pattern or structure within the context of a problem. This is where the skills to think about numbers mentally and decompose them become crucial.
Instructional Shift- number talks. An example of a number talk would be when students compute mentally the following problem: thirty-seven plus forty-eight. Students can decompose the number in many ways to find the sum. Students use the structure of place value to break apart or decompose the numbers. Thirty-seven may become three tens and seven ones. Forty-eight may become four tens and eight ones. Three tens and four tens would be seven tens. Seven ones and eight ones would be one ten and five ones. Seven tens plus one ten plus five ones would be the sum of the digits totaling eighty-five.  

MP.8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.    
Definition- students notice if calculations are repeated, and look for general methods and shortcuts. Mathematically proficient students see repetition in division when working with repeating decimals. Students not only notice a pattern, but also are able to understand what meaning that pattern has within the context of the problem. 
Instructional Shift- a different lesson around long division and what it means when one divided by three equals 0.333333...333 and why it keeps occurring forever. “Another way of looking at it: 0.3333.... means .3+ .03+ .003+ .0003+...= 3∑

∞n=1.1nand an ‘infinite sum’ is defined as the limit of the partial sums, NOT the partial sums themselves, which is what you are doing in talking about continuing to ‘add 3s.’” http://www.physicsforums.com