Friday, October 30, 2015

#CASTEM15 Experience

I had a great time at the Anaheim Convention Center for the California STEM Symposium. The highlights of the conference for me were facilitating a round table discussion with Gina Silveira, Betha MacClain and Kim Kern

The title of our discussion was "Creative Play, Maker Education, and STEM: What is the Connection?" Notice the Jenga game in the picture? We wrote talking points on each piece. As people came to our table, they would pull a Jenga piece and our conversation would go from there. It was a fun way to talk about topics like arts integration, school culture, risk-taking and collaboration. Our conversations were bidirectional in that I learned something from each person who stopped by our table. This was the first time I had participated in a round table discussion at a conference and it is an experience that I will participate in again at future conferences.

On day two of the conference, I presented with Gina, Betha and Matt O'Donnell. The title of our session was "Creating & Sustaining 21st Century Learning Classrooms: Pedagogy, Assessment and Design."

It was a great opportunity to share about the work our district has done with professional development. Here is the link to our presentation: 

The session was interactive in that we allowed time for participants to discuss their thoughts about what 21st Century Learning looks like, sounds like and feels like. Participants shared their responses on Answer Garden. 

I was fortunate to be tasked with speaking about one of my favorite #edutopics, authentic assessment. What is the point of assessment? What is the assessment trying to accomplish?

Inspiration is a theme for me this year. The opening keynote was given by Leland Melvin. His story about going from the NFL to NASA was inspiring and motivating. The mindset he shared was powerful. 

The conference was a great opportunity for me to collaborate with my colleagues from Sonoma County Office of Education and Piner-Olivet Union School District. I appreciated the opportunity to connect with educators from across California.

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